Suggestions for Further Reading
In addition to the personal papers of Edgar Snow digitized throughout the site, the following texts are good places to learn more about Snow and the history he covered.
E. Grey Dimond and Edgar Snow, Ed Snow before Paoan: The Shanghai Years. Edgar Snow Memorial Fund, 1970.
UMKC Library: PN4874.S5715 A4 1970z
Dimond, Mary Clark. Edgar Snow: 1905-1972. Kansas City: University of Missouri-Kansas City, 1982.
UMKC Library: PN4874.S5715 D5 1982
Farnsworth, Robert M. From Vagabond to Journalist: Edgar Snow in Asia, 1928-1941. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1996.
UMKC Library: PN4874.S5715 F37 1996
Farnsworth, Robert M., and Edgar Snow. Edgar Snow's Journey South of the Clouds. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1991.
UMKC Library: DS508.2 .S56 1991
Hamilton, John Maxwell. Edgar Snow, a Biography. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988.
UMKC Library: PN4874.S5715 H3 1988
Snow, Edgar. Journey to the Beginning. New York: Random House, 1958.
UMKC Library: D455 .S6 1958
Snow, Lois Wheeler, and Edgar Snow. Edgar Snow's China: A Personal Account of the Chinese Revolution. 1st ed. New York: Random House, 1981.
UMKC Library: DS774 .S58 1981
Thomas, S. Bernard. Season of High Adventure: Edgar Snow in China. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996.
UMKC Library: PN4874.S5715 T46 1996

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